Spring 2024 Nor'easter

A spring Nor’easter brought tropical storm strength winds up to 60 mph to New England, generating highly localized wave heights similar to those observed in hurricanes.
At CDIP 160 Jeffrey’s Ledge, NH, established 2008 and operated in partnership with University of New Hampshire and NERACOOS, significant wave height reached Hs = 9.33 m (Hmax = 15.75 m) – the second highest station reading of all time, nearly matching the Blizzard of 2013.
Significant coastal inundation and erosion was observed across the region, as far south as the Bronx, NY, despite wave heights peaking during a low tidal stage. Erosive storm events in January and March of this year reached Hs = 5 - 7 m at CDIP 160, but occurred with higher tides.
The attached bulletin summarizes the complete data set available at cdip.ucsd.edu/.
Thank you as ever to our many program partners in the region!